feet first into hell

Calvisia Vitalis

with iron wings, take flight

 ace of the sixth.  As an incredibly talented magitek pilot, Calvisia formerly served in the sixth Imperial Legion. She piloted all sorts of magitek vehicles; from land-bound to skyborne - eventually being placed in command of a wing unit of helldiver pilots. After the death of Regula van Hydrus, she deserted and took her blackburn unit with her. Fellow soldiers from the sixth or other legions may recognize her - or perhaps even people she'd fought against in her deployment to Azys Lla. on a steel horse i ride.  Since defecting from the Empire and fleeing to Eorzea, Calvisia has sought a job as a commercial airship pilot. She pilots both freight and passenger vessels between the city-states, and even to far off places like Thavnair and Hingashi. While not as fast as her blackburn unit, she seems to simply enjoy the act of flying. Maybe she's been your pilot on your travels before? never fade away.  during her years at the magitek academy and before her deployment, calvisia played guitar in a small band that frequently played at dives all around the capital. while never incredibly popular, they had a small following - and as far as she knows, maybe they still do. she still has her guitar, and can be caught playing from time to time. any fans...?

 hypertuned heart.  Those familiar with Imperial medical procedures may recognize the magitek ports that run down her back as telltale signs of a process known as hypertuning, a way to enhance soldiers with magitek augmentations internally. Calvisia is inhumanly strong and durable on account of these enhancements. where metal meets flesh.  calvisia suffers from chronic headaches and requires regular doses of specialized medicine to keep her body from rejecting her cybernetic enhancements. she often seeks out medical specialists or skilled alchemists to synthesize this medicine for her - perhaps you're someone who fits the bill? she's quite the fascinating patient, after all. sins to be punished In the wake of the collapse of the Empire, and the revelation of just how far the process of hypertuning had gone, Calvisia swore an oath: never again. Never again would anyone from the Empire turn a living being into nothing more than a weapon, a thing to be used and discarded when they were done. Imperial trained scientists, both defectors and loyalists alike, have been going....missing of late. Someone's made a list, and she's checking it off, one by one.

once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.

on iron wings   
namecalvisia vitalisagetwenty eight
pronounsshe/herracepureblood garlean
occupationairship pilotlanguagecommon, garlean

 about  formerly a member of the imperial sixth legion, calvisia was turned into a weapon by the very nation she'd sworn to protect. driven by a fury born of betrayal, she seeks to make sure such a fate never happens to another soul - be they soldier, slave, or anything else. if she has to kill every single person capable of it, then so be it.

  • height : 6 fulm 3 ilm

  • epithet : the shrike

  • eye color : teal

  • hair color : platinum white

  • sexuality : lesbian

  • piercings : belly button, earrings

  • tattoos : VI on left shoulder

  • scars : myriad across body

  • accessories : often accompanied by magitek bits

 biography  In her own words, Calvisia is "the best damn pilot this side of the Dark", and she's likely not that far off from being right. Formerly a magitek pilot and flight specialist for the VIth Imperial Legion, Calvisia was deployed along with the Gration to Azys Lla during the Empire's attempts to secure the floating continent. Upon the death of her Legatus and the outset of another brutal civil war in her homeland, she defected from the Empire and fled to Eorzea in her blackburn, the Shrike. Disillusioned with the nation she'd served for years, Calvisia turned her back on the Imperial Armies and seeks to leave that life behind her.Calvisia is a stereotypical flyboy - she loves flying and feeling the wind in her hair. She's friendly and often strikes up conversations with passengers on her flights - and she's been doing it long enough now that she's become quite knowledgeable about her destinations. However, she keeps an emotional distance from most - she's polite and gregarious, but only on a surface level. Something lurks behind her faintly glowing eyes - a sorrow born of the trauma the world had just recently suffered. She also seems prone to chronic headaches, and can often be seen sitting down somewhere quiet with eyes closed.She can be found in Thavnair most frequently in current days; at the markets, or just spending time with those close to her heart. She's relatively easy to pick out of a crowd, after all - and in public, she often goes without her prosthetic arm.

 ynali verblo 
calvisia's relationship with ynali is...complicated, to say the least. whatever it is, she's fond of the woman, clearly, as she spends ample time with her. are they....together?

 leonius nan vitalis 
a former member of the third imperial legion, calvisia's father was a famous weapons designer, and eventually a professor at the magitek academy. she rescued him from the capital and he has since joined garlond ironworks to keep himself busy and lend his aide to his daughter's adopted home.

 wing unit "last call" 
when she was in active service, calvisia served as the decurio of a specialist unit of pilots - the last call, as they would have it. she has lost all contact since her defection, and isn't sure how they'd react.

 fabius balventius 
a dandy of a man, one might even call him something of a wily weirdo, with all of his antics. calvisia and fabius are close friends - or at the very least, she likes to think so. of all the people she's come across, fabius might be the one that understands her issues best.

 the sixth imperial legion 
calvisia formerly owed her loyalty to legatus regula van hydrus and his sixth imperial legion. she was stationed upon the gration during it's voyage to azys lla - and defected from it upon the death of the legatus. whatever's left of the sixth isn't likely to be fond of their wayward ace.